Welcome to Day 2 of Elf Week!
In our house, Jack (the elf), comes back for the holiday season as soon as we put up our Christmas tree, which is typically the day after Thanksgiving. Although he's been known to arrive late on occasion (aka slacker mom). For others, December 1st seems to be a popular kick off date. Whichever date you choose though, kick it off with a bang!
busting out of a package...
parachuting in...
breakfast party...
spelt out...
Hanging with friends...
Hidden (or Trapped?!)...
Magic Seeds delivery...
from thiiiiis:
to thiiiis:
(candy cane seeds!)
from thiiiiis:
to thiiiis:
(gingerbread men seeds!)
from thiiiiis:

and thiiiis:

to thiiiis:

(more candy cane seeds!)
can you guess what THESE are?
SNOWMAN seeds!
he's handy with construction paper!
(this is a favorite in our house!)
and who doesn't giggle at underwear?!
or at a light toilet!
or wrapped in paper!
bows are always festive in the bathroom...
or in the kitchen!
or even on a door!
speaking of doors... maybe one of his own!
i haz died and gone to heaven!
xo L
Missed Day 1? Click here to catch up!