Happy Thanksgiving to my fellow Americans! Be sure to love on all those special people in your lives and reflect on all the little things you have to be thankful for!

NOW, back to our Elf on the Shelf Ideas Week! But FIRST, a little PSA.....
Lost Magic...
Are you aware, that your elf can LOSE his magic?! It's true... one little touch from a child and *poof* GONE!
Thankfully, there is a way to restore it.
Thankfully, there is a way to restore it.
PHEW! Disaster averted!
I think kisses are allowed though.....
Next up....
Wait... make sure there are NO CHILDREN reading over your shoulders!
Okay, you may proceed!
Elf Hacks...
If you aren't happy with the natural shape and movement (well, lack there of, really) of your elf, you can make some alterations to kick things up a bit. (He won't feel a thing, I promise!)
All images are clickable - taking you to the original post when possible.
Playing catch up? Day 1 : Day 2 : Day 3
xo L