Happy Black Friday and welcome to Day 5 of Elf on the Shelf Ideas Week!
Today we're going to tackle 'interactive' fun with your elf. As we learned yesterday, there can be no touchy-touchy of the elf or they'll lose their magic, BUT, you can still have lots of fun!
Games & Activities...
I Spy Ornament
You could also use a mason jar or plastic containers!
Maybe leave a large version for the kids to play...

Okay, this is obviously a Halloween game, BUT, you could easily adapt for Christmas, just swap out the white paper for red or green! (And no spiders please!)
He could hide ornaments, candy canes, etc. Just let the kiddos know how many are hidden and off they go!
Random Acts of Kindness Challenge
Also, did you know that Kindness Elves are a thing?
Still looking for more games? They also sell games such as these:
plus puzzles, activity books, etc.
Love Notes...
Bathrooms are popular note leaving locations!
uh oh!
more uh-oh!
See you tomorrow for Day 6!
xo L